Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rotten Slice Of Americana- My Thoughts On The Recent Aurora Theater Shooting. More to come.

  The problem isn't so much the guns. The problem is the attention these maniacs get. They become a dark folk figure. Call them a rotten slice of Americana. To some deeply twisted individuals, they become folk heroes and role models. Some people try to emulate or imitate these "folk heroes". The Virginia Tech killer, and countless other would be mass murderers have offered the names of the Columbine killers as inspiration.
   Why are these people heroes to others/why do people continue the thread of violence? Two reasons: 1. Because these people are deeply disturbed individuals to begin with. 2. Because of the attention they get from the media. These people are generally loners. They feel disenfranchised, or abandoned and they think the only way to get attention is by doing something violent and drastic. They love leaving all of these things behind for people to talk about and analyze. They love being a puzzle for others to discuss and solve. They love having their ugly mugs plastered all over the news and internet. When some other depressed, psycho loner sees the legacy built up by somebody else's sins against humanity, they decide they want a piece of the action as well. They want to build their own legacy. The Columbine kids looked to Thurston High and Paduca for their inspiration, and in turn others have looked to them.
   It is a viscous cycle that has caught way too many lives in it's teeth. Is this about guns? Hardly. It is about twisted hero worship. And it needs to come to an end now. The media should keep coverage of the Aurora shooter to a minimum. They should cease referring to him altogether. Keep cameras out of his face, because with every click of the camera, you are feeding the beast. Do not give this sicko what he wants. Let him rot in obscurity. If you take away the notoriety, you will take away the motivation to kill from other glory seekers, and many, many lives will be saved. Please note I have not mentioned the name of any of the aformentioned murderers. That is how it should be.
   In fact, I plan to learn the names of everyone who was fatally hit at Aurora, and I may write a blog about them. They are the ones who deserve to be remembered. Not the smirking psycho who is now enjoying his day in the spotlight. All this coverage is going to bring is more death. Sensational courtroom drama is fascinating to read, but is it worth the terrible price we know some poor group of people will have to pay again in the future? Even now, the cycle of death rages on.