There was a time in our history, when journalists were concerned with being the watchdogs of democracy, as was the intention behind "free journalism." Instead they are enablers of murderers and maniacs who seem feast on the blood of dead children. "If it bleeds, it leads." has long since been the unofficial credo of many ambulance chasing reporters, and what has come of it? A culture where the media, in it's pursuit of some kind of bullshit award in journalism, turns murderers into heroes, and turns sad loners into psychotic assholes who want to become the next monster in our nation's closet. Columbine is considered the first "big one" as far as this current trend of shootings go. But they were inspired by the shootings like the one here in Oregon at Thurston High. Why? Because of the mammoth size of the media coverage. It is not enough to simply announce what happened. They have to try to get in as many angles as possible for their big story. (In the Clackamas shooting, they even interviewed Santa Claus.) People who choose to take out 15- 30 people are assured to be celebrities now, and that will inspire pathetic sickos to form a fan club to honor them. Many of these murders are committed in a quest for notoriety. Why indulge them, media? You are fueling the fire.I hope you're happy. You've created a culture of blood-thirstiness. If you could tell the story without making the shooters anti-heroic figures, we would see tragedies like this wind down, but you refuse to report in moderation. You pulled the trigger on all of those poor children with your coverage in July. And when the next shooting happens, (which it undoubtedly will) it will be because of the trigger pulling you are doing now. As I said before, the cycle of death rages on.
Lets reset the clock. We are now zero days without a media inspired shooting. (A shooting in Alabama happened today by the way. No casualties, besides the shooter. Just three wounded. Not many people died, so you may not have heard about it. They get their meal ticket when people die.)
Final note- this is not an indictment of all journalists. Several of my friends have gone into Journalism, and there have been some who have chosen to take a moral high ground. This is more directed at the general trend of journalistic sensationalism in the face of tragedy. If any of my journalist friends read this- I have faith in you and your integrity. I know you'll bring dignity back to media.
Final note- this is not an indictment of all journalists. Several of my friends have gone into Journalism, and there have been some who have chosen to take a moral high ground. This is more directed at the general trend of journalistic sensationalism in the face of tragedy. If any of my journalist friends read this- I have faith in you and your integrity. I know you'll bring dignity back to media.