Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First Blog- Introduction

My name is Geoff Crenshaw. This is my first time blogging. If you think the blogs will be interesting, then prepare to be deceived. I think pretty much anybody can read this, so I should be careful about what I write on here. It is a public forum, and perhaps whatever I write here will haunt me in my future quest of a political career. Yes. That is right. I here by, announce my unofficial canidacy for the Presidency Of The United States in the year 2060. Assuming I am still alive by then, I think I will make a great President. If I am a corpse, then I will put the interest of the country ahead of my own ambitions and settle for a cabinet secretary posistion.

As a potential voter, (assuming you are still alive by then too) you might be asking yourselves, "What gives this tricky little upstart the impression that he can lead the free world?"

My answer: "Absolutely nothing."

That is right. I am not qualified to run for President Of The United States right now.

The Constitutional minimum age requirement is 35 years old.

I turn 20 next month.

I have no experience or skills at all needed to be the president of the united states. Well, people like me. And I have been called "Deceptively intellegent" by one of my friends who engages in backhanded compliments. That's about it.

But by 2060, I intend on being a lean, mean 70 year old American Diplomatic powerhouse.

By November of that year, here are the list of accomplishments that I wil have achieved:


1. I will effectively lead a campaign that will earn women their constitutional right to vote freely in any of our fine elections.

2. I will make the best choclate chip cookies this side of the mississippi.

3. I will strongly support legislation that will effectively ban discrimination against minorities in the work place.

4. I will have amassed enough sports cars by then, that my collection will be sufficent to evacuate an entire city in the face of a nuculear attack.

5. The experience I will have in film directing, will give me leadership skills necessary in manuvering a democracy.

6. I like camping, so I will be extremely hesitant to let all of the paradise to be paved into parking lots.

7. I will have re-established the fashionability of mink coats.

8. I will have lead a succesful mission to take construction matierals underwater to rebuild, and raise the wreck of the RMS Titanic. It will become a succesful resort in New York Harbor.

9. I will have taken the Kremelin and refashioned it into a youth waterpark.

10. Because I'm Smart, People tell me I'm funny, and I assume they like me.

11. I will have fashioned a plan to place Helvatia Taverns strategically all over the united states- With that alone, I get tickertape parades, and I am a national hero.

12. Same as 11. Only this time, with Mad Greek Deli.

13. I will have a ranch that has swans walking across the grounds. This will give me a princely aura, and I will inspire people just like the Kennedy's did.

14 I will make a proposal to bulldoze a white house, and rebuilt it made out of gingerbread. This would irradicate hunger in the Washington D.C area.

15. Two Words- Free Soup

That is about it.

At this juncture, you might be asking yourself "Why in the hell did I waste my life reading this rambling nonsense? I feel disinfranchised. Disinfranchised, Damn it!"

Well, the answer is simple- in the future, I will write more interesting blogs than this. It will br random, but it will hopefully give you a glimmer of hope in your otherwise desolate existance.

Good luck making it to 2060. It is every man, woman, and child for themselves.

That is all for today.

Thank You, And Keep 'Em Flying.

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